Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Have you seen the Meatrix & Meatrix II "revolting"? Short cartoons about sustainable food - clever, funny and would hopefully make you want to eat less industrial meat!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Watch Trashed!

Watch this 20 minutes long movie "Trashed" about... Trash! What happens when you throw your trash in the container? Where does it go? And how is that related to our seas? One thing that made me think are the mountains of landfills we keep building - what will future archaeologists think of us?

Watch more free documentaries

Sunday, June 13, 2010

You and your cellphones

It is estimated that during the last 20 years 1.2 billion cell phones have ben sold worldwide! I have contributed to that, I've already had 4 cell phones in my life. 3 of them are in a draw at my parents house and in that same draw I have 3 battery chargers that are completely useless...

Cell phones contain several heavy metals such as lead, nickel, chromium and copper. Nowdays phones can be recycled; the battery is usually removed since they have their own recycling path. More recent models of cell phones consists of about 25% metals (copper, steel and aluminium), 20-50% plastic and the rest glass, ceramics and epoxy. Unfortunately we are not able to recycle 100% of the cell phone, it is then usually crushed and smelted.

Watch this short american movie to get a quick idea of what happens to your phone once you throw it away. Did you know that there is enough gold in 200 phones to make one golden ring?

How many cell phones have you had?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Greenpeace electronics

Next time you need to buy a cell phone or any other electronics do check Greenpeace's Guide to Greener Electronics - they rank the top manufacturers of cell phones, computers and other electronics after their policies on toxics, recycling and climate change. For the moment Lenovo and Nintendo should be avoided!!


Can food that doesn't decompose really be food?! Check out this little experiment - what does McDonald's food look like after some months? A Big Mac still looks fine after 3 weeks - but what about the fries... well look for yourself! I am not sure I will ever eat there again!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sustainable Clubbing

Did you know that the clubbing industry is one of the most unsustainable industries? Clubs are for the moment not really thinking of their environmental impacts, they consume massive amounts of energy, water and glass.

Check out how you can generate energy by just dancing! Did you know that in Holland 1,5 million people go to clubs every week - how much energy could they create?


One of the Greek tv-channels has taken an initiative I think every country should follow: EcoNews! Everyday after the national news you get for about 10 minutes national and international updates on environmental news. This clip is for example about the EuroVelo project where 50 000 km of bike roads all around Europe make it possible to bike from Lisbon to Moscow, Israel uses new technology to save water and Bolivia has discovered a new source of energy and can become much less dependent from petroleum.

Do you have EcoNews in your country?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Relax with Jim

It's Friday so let's relax a bit with Jim Carrey. I can actually relate to this character!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What kind of person is the Corporation?

The Corporation - a must see movie! Get totally chocked and upset over today's companies that take no social and environmental responsibility what so ever! And how in our search for wealth we actually destroy ourselves.

The documentary won 26 awards and is definitely one of the best documentaries I have ever seen.

Is it fair that a shirt is sold at 13.99 US dollars and the woman who made it gets 3 cents?! And is it right how little the environment is worth until someone claim it is its property! But see also how a CEO of one of the world's leading carpet manufacturer realized they were doing nothing good to the environment and wanted to change!

Watch the trailer and get hooked!! and click here if you want to watch the whole movie. Unfortunately it is cut in 23 pieces on Youtube, but it can actually be good since you might want to have a break and digest the information between the clips! Their commercial at the end of each clip can be a bit annoying... but it is all free!

What are your reactions? What chocked you the most?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I love octopus!

Great clip on cool underwater creatures - it will blow your mind!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why is EcoBoost black?!

According to Blackle, computer monitors can be made to consume less energy by displaying much darker colors. We need to keep taking small steps to save energy and even if you only spend 3 minutes on EcoBoost you have saved a tiny bit! Blackle says 1,853,556.225 Watt hours have been saved thanks to this!

An other thing you can do to be a more sustainable computer-user, is to turn your screen off!! This is something people at my work think is something automatic - but it is not!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Water as Luxury

Scott Harrison was a party guy who used to earn 4000 dollars/month to go clubbing. After travelling around in Africa as a photographer he created charity: water that brings clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. Kind of making you realise how important water is!

If you don't have time to watch the whole thing (16 minutes) at least watch the first 4 minutes - it is a good informative clip!

Fun facts:

It takes about 6800 litres of water to produce enough cotton for ONE pair of jeans.

200 litres of water for ONE latte to-go (production of the cup, sugar, plastic lid, the spoon...)

Close to 2000 litres of water for ONE car tire.

The clip reminds me of a Swedish commercial some years ago that made people ANGRY!

Plastic Fantastic (?)

Watch this TED talk and you will think twice next time you take a plastic bag from the supermarket or buy a bottle of water! We are turning our oceans into a plastic soup!

Charles Moore, oceanographer and founder of Algalita Marine Research Foundation says that the solution is "to stop the plastic at it's source, stop it on land before it falls into the ocean".

What do you do to reduce your plastic consumption? Please share we need ideas!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Poison Fire

Watch this terrible documentary about Shell in Nigeria, made by Lars Johansson. Nigerians get sick, poisoned, get miscarriages and can't cultivate because of a very greedy company - and this has been going on for more than 40 years!

That might be something Shell should mention in their Corporate Social Responsibility report!

Movie time!

What is better than watching a great movie to start the weekend?!

I strongly recommend you to watch the movie HOME. Especially when you are in the mood of getting entertained with crucial facts and beautiful pictures! Millions of people have seen this movie and it is available in many many languages. If you just want to see one movie about the environment and sustainability in your life THIS IS THE ONE you should see!

For instance you will learn that the world spends 12 times more on weapons than on aid to developing countries and that 20% of the world's population consumes 80% of the planet's resources!

There is a risk this 1 hour movie will make you very upset, sad and depressed (which I believe is not the best way to start a weekend) but you will then have the rest of the weekend to figure out solutions to all these global problems - which you are by the way very welcome to post on this blog!

If I haven't conviced you, spend 30 seconds of your time and watch this teaser. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No Impact Man

I want to inspire you with this fascinating document "No Impact Man". We follow Colin Beavan who lives in New York city when he tries for one year to dramatically reduce his impact on the environment. He doesn't consume any plastic nor electricity, travels only with his bike and composts his waste in his living room (with worms!). He involves his wife and daughter so to be fair it is more of a No Impact Family!

Just to give an idea - the family managed to save 1248 plastic take out and containers, 572 plastic bags and 2190 paper and plastic cups (read more here) This makes me think of how much rubbish we actually consume and don't really need!

Follow this family's struggles and joys to become more sustainable HERE(for free!)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Breathing Earth

Welcome everyone to EcoBoost!

In this first post I want to show you this great website - it is a simulation of the world's CO2 emissions of every country in the world, as well as their birth and death rates.

A great eye-opener and scary at the same time!